Which Brakebush Brothers products are vegan?
Brakebush BrothersChicken, FC Chik'N'Zips Fajita Thigh Strips
Brakebush BrothersChicken, FC Chik'N'Zips Fajita Breast Diced 1/2
Brakebush BrothersRetail ready - inner 5 lb. bags labeled with UCC# 038034062626. Light crispy breading. 1st and 2nd wing portion.
Brakebush Brothersnatural, gluten free pattie made with all thigh meat.
Brakebush BrothersWhole-muscle strips are marinated and seasoned with south of the border flavors. Inner 5# bags labeled with UCC# 038034052450.
Brakebush BrothersInfused with Cayenne pepper spice and then coated in panko (J-crumb) breading. This product contains GMO/BE ingredients
Brakebush BrothersNatural whole-muscle appearance all-breast meat cutlet breaded with Gold'N'Spice breading. Inner 5 lb bags labeled with UCC# 038034058315.
Brakebush BrothersItalian Sausage Crumble
Brakebush BrothersSpicy Italian Sausage Crumble
Brakebush Brothers5 oz. Easy Prep Raw Fillet
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