Is ICED TEA vegan?

No, at least one of the ingredients is not vegan.

* Check the ingredient list below for more information.


filtered water black green tea powders glucose pineapple juice concentrate taurine apple juice concentrate citric acid sodium citrate panax ginseng extract natural flavors phosphoric acid magnesium lactate calcium lactate pentahydrate maltodextrin monopotassium phosphate caffeine vit citric acid acesulfame potassium sucralose b5 b3 concentrated coconut water salt gum arabic guarana extract quercetin dihydrate inositol d-glucuronolactone l-carnitine l-tartrate b6 ester gum goji berry extract acai extract b12

Full Ingredient List

brewed tea (filtered water, black & green tea powders), glucose, pineapple juice concentrate, taurine, apple juice concentrate, citric acid, sodium citrate, panax ginseng extract, natural flavors, phosphoric acid, magnesium lactate, calcium lactate pentahydrate, maltodextrin, monopotassium phosphate, caffeine, ascorbic acid (vit. c), acesulfame potassium, sucralose, calcium d-pantothenate (vit. b5), niacinamide (vit. b3), concentrated coconut water, salt, gum arabic, guarana extract, quercetin dihydrate, inositol, d-glucuronolactone, l-carnitine l-tartrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vit. b6), ester gum, goji berry extract, acai extract, cyanocobalamin (vit. b12).


Created by Steve