Maybe*, some of the ingredients can come from both vegan and non-vegan sources.

* Some of the ingredients are not in our database. Check the ingredient list below for more information.


water white rice noodles soybeans1 canola oil calcium sulfate magnesium chloride calcium chloride glucono delta lactone soy protein1 carrots1 red bell peppers1 shiitake mushrooms1 carrot1 celery1 onion1 tomato1 salt yeast extract1 cane sugar1 alcohol1 maltodextrin1 yeast extract food starch1 onion powder1 garlic powder1 spices1 natural flavor molasses sugar green onions red cabbage soybeans2 wheat snow peas sesame oil garlic puree2 canola oil2 rice vinegar tamarind paste tomato paste corn starch2 ginger puree paprika lemongrass2 dried onions dried seaweed lime juice concentrate soy fiber spices natural flavors

Full Ingredient List

cooked rice noodles1 (water, white rice noodles), tofu1 (water, soybeans1, canola oil, calcium sulfate and/or magnesium chloride and/or calcium chloride and/or glucono delta lactone and/or soy protein1), carrots1, red bell peppers1, shiitake mushrooms1, vegetable broth1 (water, vegetables [carrot1, celery1, onion1, tomato1] salt, yeast extract1, cane sugar1, soy sauce1 [water, soybeans1, salt, alcohol1], maltodextrin1, yeast extract, food starch1, vegetable juice concentrate1 [carrot1, celery1], onion powder1, garlic powder1, spices1, natural flavor), brown sugar1 (molasses, sugar), green onions, red cabbage, soy sauce2 (water, soybeans2, wheat, salt), snow peas, sesame oil, garlic puree2, canola oil2, rice vinegar, tamarind paste, tomato paste, corn starch2, ginger puree, paprika, lemongrass puree2 (lemongrass2, water), dried onions, dried seaweed, lime juice concentrate, soy fiber, spices, natural flavors, salt.


Created by Steve